Maharashtra 12th Result
Maharashtra Board HSC Result 2020 Declaration Date
Maharashtra HSC Result 2020 for 12th Class students have been delayed majorly this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Maharashtra being the worst affected state with rising number of COVID-19 cases; the board has taken extra precautions to keep students and teachers safe. This has further caused a delay in declaration of HSC Results 2020 of Maharashtra Board. But, as per the latest update, Maharashtra 12th Results are going to be announced on 16th July 2020 at 1 PM. Any further updates in this regards will be notified here.
State | Exam Name | Exam Date (2020) | Exam Result Date |
Maharashtra | Maharashtra SSC Board Exam | 3rd March – 23rd March | 29th July, 2020 |
Maharashtra HSC Board Exam | 18th February – 17th March | 16th July, 2020 (Declared) |
Previous Year Maharashtra Board Result Analysis as per
To provide a comparative analysis and idea about the progress made by the students appearing for the HSC Exam, Maharashtra Board releases important data and key statistics related to the exam results every year. Until the statistics of this year’s March 2020 Exam are released by the board, students can have a look at the data from last year which will help them understand the competition in HSC Exam 2020.
- Total Number of Students: 14,21,936
- Total Number of Passed Students: 10.5 lakh
- Overall Pass Percentage- 85.88%
- Girls pass percentage- 90.25%
- Boys pass percentage- 82.40%
- Total students appeared- 1421936
- Total passed- 12,21,169
- Best performing district- Konkan 93.23% pass percentage
In terms of stream-wise performance, Science Stream students put up the best performance with overall pass percentage of 92.60% followed by Commerce stream students with 88.22% success ratio. The lowest pass percentage in last year’s Board Exam result was registered in the Arts stream at 76.40%.
MAH Results 2020 Rechecking and Re-evaluation
To ensure complete transparency in the evaluation process for Maharashtra HSC Result 2020, the Board has provided the rechecking and re-evaluation to the students. Currently, students who are not satisfied with the marks provided to them or feel that their performance was much better as compared to the score attributed to them by the board in the Maharashtra 12th Result 2020 March Scorecard; such students are allowed to opt for the rechecking and re-evaluation option provided to them. Typically, through the rechecking option, students can get the retotaling of the marks already allotted to them by the examiner and check for totalling errors or any missed answers during the initial evaluation. On the other hand re-evaluation process calls for a complete re-examination of the answer sheet of the student by a new evaluator, who would award marks for all the questions a fresh. In either of the cases, the marks awarded to the students will stand as final. For rechecking and re-evaluation option, students will be required to make a formal application through their school and pay the requisite fee for the same.